Keep this Thanksgiving Planner handy to help you create a stress-free Thanksgiving feast for family and friends.

It may seem early to think about Thanksgiving in October but once Halloween has been celebrated, the countdown begins. A few years back, I created a Thanksgiving planner for new subscribers to this blog and I've updated it for 2024! This handy checklist will take you from three weeks before the holiday to Thanksgiving Day (this year, Nov. 28), enabliing you to stay in control and on top of your culinary game! Here we go!
Three weeks out
This week, plan your menu and get out the Thanksgiving decorations you want to display.
Two weeks out
It's time to finalize your guest list, inspect your china and silverware, get out your recipes, and buy the frozen turkey and non-perishables. If you don't have a silver polishing cloth, here's a hack you can use. Mix one cup of white vinegar with four tablespoons of baking soda. Submerge the silver in the mixture and let it sit for an hour. Rinse and dry well.
One week out
You'll be busy this week cleaning your home; washing, drying, and ironing table linens; buying wine; and getting out your serving pieces and washing/drying those. If you're having guests staying over for the holiday, this also is a good time to make and freeze meals to enjoy during their stay. (You can eat turkey three days in a row!)
Speaking of turkey, remember you will need to thaw old Tom in the refrigerator. Plan for 24 hours per four pounds of turkey. Keep the bird in original wrapper and store breast side up. Once thawed, it can rest up to four days until your ready to roast. If you brine your bird, don't forget to add that time into your poultry prep.
Two days out
Time to head to the grocery store to get those perishables and finish up your list. Bake your pies and set the bread out to make stuffing. You can make some dishes ahead, including mashed potatoes, and reheat them on Thanksgiving in the slow cooker with a splash of chicken stock and cream. Make and refrigerate your casserole sides, too.
Thanksgiving Day
Remove the turkey one or two hours and bring to room temperature before roasting. Set your table. Bake the bird first; this can be kept warm on your countertop. Bake your casseroles. A tip: A buffet food warming tray will help keep those casseroles warm for guests. Lastly, make your gravy.
And should you need some advice on the fly, Butterball Turkey Talk Line is available through November and December! Call 800-288-8372 or chat live with an expert at
Happy Thanksgiving!
